Rich lawns are treated with additional care, as the weather conditions become hot. Specialist Toronto landscape gardening as well as concrete polishing Toronto services know that mowing a lawn too short leads to heat tension. Shade in the depths of the lawn decreases the evaporation of valuable moisture in the root system. Healthy growth is sustained since the roots are able to support the grass blades. Frequent lawn mowing is essential to prevent cutting too much from the length of each blade. Blades will stand perfectly straight when less than one third of the blade is removed in the weekly mowing operation. Stress is reduced if the lawn does not undergo a drastic change in height each week. Less drastic mowing will moderate the growth rate and allow for easier maintenance and landscaping in Toronto.

According to Toronto Landscaping, short grass will struggle to grow as much as possible to create the needed shade. This struggle for growth drains moisture from the roots. As the blades grow, the roots are strained, which inhibits root growth. Weakened lawns are susceptible to disease and weeds. Additional water and fertilizer do not change the situation unless the height of the mowing blade is raised to three and a half inches. A simple adjustment with the mower on the driveway, or sidewalk, will ensure the proper height in the lawn. Consistent watering of a taller lawn provides better results over the long, hot summer.

Trimming the lawn is required to follow precisely the same rules. Trimming all around trees, sidewalks and features in the garden must reflect the same height as the lawn itself. Very close cuts on the edges will draw moisture from the surrounding blades of grass. Grooming the edges can be performed easily without scalping when the lawn is trimmed each time the mowing is completed. Professional concrete polishing Toronto and landscaping expert recommend trimming first to allow the mower to pick up the debris in one pass.

Terra stone landscaping in Toronto features unique challenges due to the long, darkish winters. Homeowners have to make sure to keep track of the humidity levels in the landscaping to guarantee winterkill does not occur. Sufficient fertilizer and water must accompany fall mowing until the first snowfall. Lawn care throughout the winter months will allow the grass to recover quickly in the spring. Special care is required when snow is scarce, and cold is prevalent. Extreme cold can damage the roots if snow is not creating an insulating layer. All gardeners are wise to leave the lawn a little longer for its winter nap.

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